PARTY IN MOUTH | Recipes for good food

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Professional Advice Disclaimer

This website may from time to time discuss nutrition, medical, legal, or financial issues. This is not advice. It should not be treated as professional advice either. The information provided on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, expressed or implied. The website makes no representations or warranties in relation to the information on the website.

You must not rely on the information posted on this website as an alternative to advice from a certified public accountant, licensed financial planner, medical professional, or lawyer. There is no client relationship created from the publication of information on this website. You should never delay seeking professional advice, disregard professional advice, or discontinue professional services as a result of any information provided on this website.

Nutrition Facts Disclaimer

As a courtesy to you, this website provides nutrition facts for each recipe posted. Please be advised that the calorie and nutritional information should only be used as a guide since the nutrition facts shown are provided by online nutrition facts calculators. The types of ingredients and food brands the online calculations use may differ from the ingredients and brands I use in my own recipes. So, please keep this in mind.

Disclaimer for Recipes

This website discusses nutrition-related topics. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition(s). You assume all risks associated with the creation and use of the recipes posted on this website; including but not limited to injury from incorrectly following any instructions made on this website, for example.

Updated on: October 14, 2021